Services for You

Enriching Lives at Home:
Our Commitment to Aged Care Excellence

At Encompass Homecare, we are dedicated to providing a range of in-home support services for individuals living in retirement villages.

Our comprehensive, home-based support services are designed to enable aging Australians to remain in their own homes for as long as
possible, delaying or eliminating the need for residential care.

Domestic Assistance

Our domestic assistance services include cleaning, home maintenance, and other essential chores. This covers making beds, ironing, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping, all carried out with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Community Access & Transport

We provide assistance to attend and participate in social occasions, leisure activities, shopping, or appointments in the community. Our goal is to keep our clients connected and engaged with their social networks and community events.

Personal Care

Personal care services include assistance with showering, dressing, and grooming. We offer support to bathe, shower, get dressed, groom oneself, or manage continence, ensuring safety and dignity in all personal care activities.

Medication Assistance

Our team is trained to assist with medication dosage, dispensing, and managing prescriptions, ensuring our clients’ health and well-being are always a top priority.

Meal Planning & Preparation

We provide help with weekly meal preparation and the organization of meal delivery services. Our aim is to ensure nutritious and enjoyable meals are a regular part of our clients’ lives.

Shopping Assistance

Our shopping assistance service includes help with writing shopping lists, getting to the shops, purchasing items, and carrying them home. We focus on making shopping a hassle- free experience.

Social Support

Recognising that social connections are essential for happiness and wellbeing, we offer services to facilitate these connections. This includes providing regular in-home or telephone-based social interactions, organising social activities, providing transport to social events, and attending group-based activities. In our opinion Social Support is more extensive than just a coffee after groceries, its finding and arranging “the sand between your toes”

At Encompass Homecare, every service we offer is delivered with a personal touch. We understand the unique needs of each individual and strive to provide services that not only meet but exceed their expectations for quality in-home care.

The Sand Between my Toes
Care Partnership versus Case Management

In line with the Encompass belief that partnership with clients and families is at the forefront of successful ageing in place, Care partners take the time to understand what our customers want to achieve, rather than simply managing day to day activities. Stuart often shares his thoughts and regrets, and wonder at what might have been IF someone asked his mum what she wanted the answer would have been simple, “I want to feel the sand between my toes”, sadly this never happened and a social outing for her was shopping and if time permitted a coffee on the way out – Let’s do better.
An example of this that delights the entire Encompass team is a client who at a relatively young age is confined mostly to a wheelchair. When discussing his history, wishes, goals and dreams his Care Partner discovered that he loved both the beach and fishing, with this knowledge the team set to work.
Once our Support Workers had became familiar with Mark and his wife and primary carer Maureen, they took Mark on some local outings where they become comfortable with his support requirements. The team then organised a fishing trip to the pier at Hillary’s, WA. Mark was so excited that he asked his Support Worker to wake him if he fell asleep “as I don’t want to miss a second”. Given the fishing trip was a great success and knowing Mark’s love of the sea a google to find some beach wheelchairs was successful. Maureen had no hesitation in giving her approval to take Mark to the beach, so a date was organised with extra support workers and a nurse to ensure safety. You can see the joy on Mark’s face as he lays in the water rekindling his connection with the ocean, a source of countless memories.
At the end of the day we had wheelchair and car full of sand, a very happy client and Support Workers whose hearts were full after being able to bring such joy into Mark and Maureen’s lives; it is no wonder that when Maureen read this passage to Mark, now in residential care, his response was “I want my girls back looking after me, I liked being with them.”
What do your loved ones miss?

The team, or in Mark’s words “His Girls”, meticulously planned every detail, from ensuring his comfort and safety during the trip to selecting the perfect day when the sun’s warmth and the ocean’s gentle breeze would combine to create a magical experience. They set off for a day at the beach, sun shining Mark smiling. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words.
This experience, made possible by Encompass Homecare, was more than just a fulfilled wish; it was a testament to the team’s commitment to bringing joy and enhancing the lives of those they care for, proving that with compassion and dedication, no matter what the perceived obstacles, goals can be achieved and the simplest pleasures can be realised this is just one of many examples of the Encompass Care Partnership model as opposed to Case Management.
At Encompass Homecare, we’re more than just a service provider – we’re a partner in facilitating a life of independence and dignity for aging Australians.